Joint Standards Committee

20 April 2022  

Report of the Monitoring Officer

Dispensation granted to Councillors sitting on the Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee on 7th February 2022 to enable them to participate in a call –in of a decision taken by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change.


1.   To confirm, a dispensation was granted to Councillors Crawshaw, Fenton, Hollyer, Pearson, Orrell, Wann, Melly and Douglas on 7th February 2022, to enable them to participate in a call-in of a decision taken by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change.


2.   At the request of Councillor Crawshaw a  dispensation was granted to Councillors Crawshaw, Fenton, Hollyer, Pearson, Orrell, Wann, Melly and Douglas, so that they could fully participate in a Customer & Corporate Services Scrutiny Management Committee call-in of a decision made by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change on 12th January 2022.  This decision related to Weed Management of Highways and Associated Areas.  Councillor Crawshaw believed that the dispensation was required due to Member voting unanimously in favour of A Motion granted by Full Council in 2019, relating to the promotion of a pollinator strategy which links to the council’s use of pesticides.  The dispensation was granted by the Chair of the Joint Standards Committee who, in doing so, raised concerns as to his ability to grant himself a dispensation as he was also a member of the Committee considering the call-in.  The Monitoring Officer therefore agreed to grant a dispensation for the Chair of Joint Standards Committee as to not do so would have the undemocratic effect of restricting Councillor Rowley’s ability to fully contribute to the meeting in the same way his colleagues could. 



3.   Not applicable to this report.

Human Resources (HR)

4.   Not applicable to this report.


5.   A dispensation may be granted to enable a member to participate in a discussion and vote on a matter at a meeting even if they have a disclosable pecuniary interest or a prejudicial interest.


6.   The constitution enables a dispensation to be granted in prescribed circumstances and that the dispensation is granted in consultation with the Chair of the joint Standards Committee.

Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property

7.   Not applicable to this report.

8.   To note that a dispensation was granted to Councillors Crawshaw, Fenton, Hollyer, Pearson, Orrell, Wann, Melly and Douglas on 7th February 2022, to enable them to participate in a call-in of a decision taken by the Executive Member for Environment and Climate Change.












Author &  Chief Officer responsible for the report:

Janie Berry

Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer


01904 555385




Report Approved


8 February 2022






Wards Affected: 



For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        Constitution

·        Local Government Act 1972